Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Java - MiniProject - MCQ Quiz Application

MCQ Quiz Application


This code is an implementation of MCQ Quiz System. It was a requirement of my semester, I grabbed the maximum marks and now thought I should share this code with all of you. So that's why it is here now.  The system is fully developed in core java and it uses multiple choice questions approach. It is a menu-based application and executes the operation based on user's choice as to be directly inputted in console.
This program uses a simple text file to store and manipulate questions. The questions are stored in CSV (Comma Separated Value) format. It maintains a very very simple data structure. First part meant for the question, the next four sections are four options to be given in console(in front of the user) and last part has the correct answer stored(it points to the element no. in the array of answers). The file "Questions.Txt" is also included in the zip. Anyone can use the file or create new or modify their own questions. The presentation of questions is fully dynamic. Presentation fully depends on the master file (which have the questions data stored). This file will be automatically created by the program if not found in the application path. It also displays the contest summary along with the correct answers of all questions answered wrongly at quiz's end. It has the pin-point focus on number of questions presented, answered or skipped. The program also computes accuracy percentage based on no. of correct answers. See the screenshot. I have put my effort to make it user-friendly and more-n-more dynamically. Personally I think, this code is a great example of Object Oriented Programming (OOPs).

Comment on clarifications.

1 comment:

  1. can you please mail me the files @ iit2014129@iiita.ac.in..
    I strictly need it..
    (unable 2 download it as mediafire is blocked in our college)
