Saturday, 26 November 2011

How to install OMNeT++ 4.1 in Windows Environment

How to install OMNeT++ 4.1 in Windows Environment

Steps to Install OMNeT++ 4.1 in windows,

Step 1:
Click the following link and download OMNeT++ along with MinGW (This is the 4.2 release of the OMNeT++ platform. This package is for Windows, and contains the MinGW C++ compiler.)

Step 2:
Unzip the file on any hard disc Drive say E:\.
(Now your folder looks like this E:\omnetpp-4.1)

Step 3:
Open the folder E:\omnetpp-4.1 and run the mingwenv.cmd.

Step 4 :
A new window will be opening which looks like a Linux Shell with prompt.

Step 5 :
·        Type the command  ./configure (this command will check all the modules and set the path)
·        Type the command make (This will run for at least 10 minutes, but may vary machine to machine)
·        Once everything is done, you will get a successful message and type omnetpp to open the IDE
·        (Please Install JDK before all these steps, as OMNeT++ IDE is based on Eclipse which needs JDK to be installed)

Step 6:
To check successful Installation, run any project like Tic-Toc.

Well Done… You successfully installed OMNeT++ 4.1 in windows environment.

This video demonstrate you the above step by step procedure on how to install OMNeT++ 4.1 tool in Windows platform

Password - pascal

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Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Co-Operative Cache technique using OMNeT++ - IEEE Journal Technology Simulation Project - Bachelor/Master Degree Level

This video is the simulation of Co-operative Cache in Network (MANET) using OMNeT++ 3.2 tool. This IEEE Journal Technology Simulation Project is achieved using Cache Node (CN) and Search Node (SN) technique from an IEEE transaction paper.

Click here to view the simulation video in Youtube - Co-Operative Cache technique using OMNeT++ 

Click Here to download the Simulation Video and IEEE base paper for the Simulation - MediaFire Link

Password - pascal

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Minimum Distance Packet Forwarding f in Network using OMNeT++ - IEEE Journal Technology Simulation Project - Bachelor/Master Degree Level

This video is an IEEE Journal Technology Simulation Project of Minimum Distance Packet Forwarding for search application in Network (MANET) using OMNeT++ 3.2 tool. 

Click here to view the simulation video in Youtube - Minimum Distance Packet Forwarding using OMNeT++

Click Here to download the Simulation Video and IEEE base paper for the Simulation - MediaFire Link

Password - pascal

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Efficient Routing via Clustering using OMNeT++ - IEEE Journal Technology Simulation Project - Bachelor/Master Degree Level

 This video shows an IEEE Journal Technology Simulation Project of Efficient Routing in a large scale distributed networks by forming clusters using OMNeT++ 3.2 tool in Windows environment.

Click here to view the simulation video in Youtube - Efficient Routing via Clustering using OMNeT

Click Here to download the Simulation Video and IEEE base paper for the Simulation - MediaFire Link

Password - pascal

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How to Install OMNeT++ 3.2 in Windows Platform

This video explain you step by step procedure on how to install OMNeT++  3.2 tool in Windows platform

Click here to view the simulation video in Youtube website- How to Install OMNeT++ 3.2 in Windows Platform

Click Here to download the Simulation Video - MediaFire Link

Password - pascal

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Executing a Sample OMNeT++ program

This video describes the steps involved in executing a sample simulation using OMNeT 3.2 tool.

Click here to view the simulation video in Youtube website - How to execute a sample simulation using OMNeT

Click Here to download the Simulation Video - MediaFire Link

Password - pascal

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Endpoint Admission Control in distributed systems Using OMNeT++ - IEEE Journal Technology Simulation Project - Bachelor/Master Degree Level

This video is an IEEE Journal Technology Simulation Project of Probing Mechanism for Endpoint Admission Control in Network (MANET) using OMNeT++ 3.2 tool. 

Click here to view the simulation video in Youtube - Endpoint Admission Control using OMNeT

Click Here to download the Simulation Video and IEEE base paper for the Simulation - MediaFire Link

Password - pascal

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Java - MiniProject - P2P Filesharing

P2P Filesharing

Share mp3 and ogg Files Client-Server. A mp3- ogg-Player is integrated. Server with Login-Option, Data encrypted. Tested in Lan and Internet. Connect over Socket.(Multithread)
With resume canceled Downloads. Languages: German and English.

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Java - MiniProject - MCQ Quiz Application

MCQ Quiz Application


This code is an implementation of MCQ Quiz System. It was a requirement of my semester, I grabbed the maximum marks and now thought I should share this code with all of you. So that's why it is here now.  The system is fully developed in core java and it uses multiple choice questions approach. It is a menu-based application and executes the operation based on user's choice as to be directly inputted in console.
This program uses a simple text file to store and manipulate questions. The questions are stored in CSV (Comma Separated Value) format. It maintains a very very simple data structure. First part meant for the question, the next four sections are four options to be given in console(in front of the user) and last part has the correct answer stored(it points to the element no. in the array of answers). The file "Questions.Txt" is also included in the zip. Anyone can use the file or create new or modify their own questions. The presentation of questions is fully dynamic. Presentation fully depends on the master file (which have the questions data stored). This file will be automatically created by the program if not found in the application path. It also displays the contest summary along with the correct answers of all questions answered wrongly at quiz's end. It has the pin-point focus on number of questions presented, answered or skipped. The program also computes accuracy percentage based on no. of correct answers. See the screenshot. I have put my effort to make it user-friendly and more-n-more dynamically. Personally I think, this code is a great example of Object Oriented Programming (OOPs).

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Java - MiniProject - Networking Payroll System

Networking Payroll System

A Detailed implementation of Payroll system - The DTR and Payroll System is Connected via Local area Network.

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Java - MiniProject - Networking Library System

Networking Library System

This Networking Library System system contain complete functionality of a Library and it can work on LAN network.

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Java - MiniProject - Advanced Payroll System

Advanced Payroll System

This is complete Payroll Application including Printpreviw and printing also no need to make ODBC connection directly run anywhere.

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Java - MiniProject - Basic Library System

Basic Library System


A basic library inventory system. Ready to implement. Contains some major modules.

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Java - MiniProject - Insertion Sort

Insertion Sort


About this code I called this one insertion sort it is another sorting algorithm in computer science that is widely used to sort numbers and strings. I created this program to give insights on how to use and how it works. I hope this will help somebody who wish to learn sorting algorithms using Java as their tool in software development.

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Java - MiniProject - Shell Sort

Shell Sort


This is another version of a sorting algoritm it is called Shell Sort. It was developed by Dr. Donald Shell an american computer scientist. It is one of the most efficient sorting algorithm that is widely used.

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Java - MiniProject - Selection Sort

Selection Sort

Description: This code is another sorting algorithm called selection sort written in Java. 

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Java - MiniProject - Hotel Reservation

Hotel Reservation


This is a hotel reservation System with all the necessary properties.

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Java - MiniProject - Hospital Management

Hospital Management


Hospital Management. The administrator can register new employees and give the required rights to them. Room allocation, medicine, prescriptions, payments, etc will be controlled through this.

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Java - MiniProject - File Split/Merge

File Split/Merge


Allows you to split any file into smaller (User defined) chunks and reassemble them. Packaged in class form with an example form interface. Provides information such as operation run time, # of file splits, and file size along with progress bars. Also documented with intellisense and regular comments. Forgot to mention the solution is VS 2008, but the code should copy into VS 2005. I'd appreciate any feedback or suggestions you might have and I plan to update it as time allows to add some verification and the ability to split multiple files at once.

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Java - MiniProject - Car Sales System

Car Sales System

Description :

This program is a simple car sales system, you can add cars with details such as kilometers travelled, price, manufacturer, model, and additional info. Stores the cars using good OO design. The program uses swing and is a GUI application. On exit the cars are saved to a data file named cars.dat in the same directory as the program. Next time the program is loaded it reads the data file and loads in all the cars. Serialisation is used for the reading and saving of the binary file. This program was for a university assignment. It's been graded so hopefully there is no problem with releasing it. It will hopefully teach a lot of things, like swing, awt events, layout managers, swing events, simple menu's, JDialog's, using JTabbedPane. It features a simple sorting algorithm which sorts strings in alphabetical order, and has an example of how you can invoke a method inside a object with only a reference to a object, and not knowing what class it belongs to. It's an alternative to using an interface i suppose. Teaches serialisation also, which is basically saving the contents of an entire object in a data file, which can easily be read back into the object next time the program is loaded. Code is commented using javadoc standards

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Friday, 18 November 2011

Multimedia Database using SQL.ppt

Here u can download PPT presentation on - Multimedia Database using SQL

Mobile computing.ppt

Here u can download PPT presentation on - Mobile computing 

Virtual Private Networks.ppt

Here u can download PPT presentation on - Virtual Private Networks

Ontology Classification for Semantic-Web-Based Software Engineering.ppt

Here u can download PPT presentation on - Ontology Classification for Semantic-Web-Based Software Engineering

Introduction to Network Security.ppt

Here u can download PPT presentation on - Introduction to Network Security

Intrusion Detection System.ppt

Here u can download PPT presentation on - Intrusion Detection System


Here u can download PPT presentation on - WEB SERVICES

Wireless Sensor Networks.ppt

Here u can download PPT presentation on - Wireless Sensor Networks

Wi-Fi Technology.ppt

Here u can download PPT presentation on - Wi-Fi Technology

Body area networks (BAN).ppt

Here u can download PPT presentation on - Body area networks (BAN)

Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.ppt

Here u can download PPT presentation on - Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

Routing in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks.ppt

Here u can download PPT presentation on - Routing in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks


Here u can download PPT presentation on - UBIQUITOUS NETWORK

802.11 Standards - Wireless Networks.ppt

Here u can download PPT presentation on - 802.11 Standards - Wireless Networks


Here u can download PPT presentation on - PHP_introduction

802.11 Wireless LAN.ppt

Here u can download PPT presentation on - 802.11 Wireless LAN

Virtual Private Network (VPN).ppt

Here u can download PPT presentation on - Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Infrared - Bluetooth_systems.ppt

Here u can download PPT presentation on -Infrared_-_Bluetooth_systems

Evaluating the generation of Domain Ontologies in Knowledge.ppt

Here u can download PPT presentation on - Evaluating the generation of Domain Ontologies in Knowledge

Ad hoc Networks.ppt

Here u can download PPT presentation on - Ad hoc Networks

Introduction to QoS Protocols and RSVP.ppt

Here u can download PPT presentation on - Introduction to QoS Protocols and RSVP


Here u can download PPT presentation on - The_Survey_of_Handoff_Issues_in_Wireless_ATM 

Wireless Communication Technologies for ITS Applications.ppt

Here u can download PPT presentation on - Wireless Communication Technologies for ITS Applications

WAP (Wireless Application Protocol).ppt

Here u can download PPT presentation on - WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)

Wireless topology.ppt

Here u can download PPT presentation on - Wireless topology


Here u can download PPT presentation on - WI-FI TECHNOLOGY

Network Security Threats – Malware.ppt

Here u can download PPT presentation on - Network Security Threats – Malware

GSM Network.ppt

Here u can download PPT presentation on - GSM Network

Consistency Management Strategies for Data Replication in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.ppt

Here u can download PPT presentation on - Consistency Management Strategies for Data Replication in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM).ppt

Here u can download PPT presentation on - Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) 

Medium Access Control for IEEE 802

Here u can download PPT presentation on - Medium Access Control for IEEE 802

Click Here to Download

IP Routing and MANET Routing Algorithms

Here u can download PPT presentation on - IP Routing and MANET Routing Algorithms

Click Here to Download